Our foaling calculator is designed to help you easily track important dates for your pregnant mare. By inputting the date your mare was bred, the calculator estimates the due date based on an average gestation period of 340 days. It also provides key reminders for your mare's health, including the recommended date for her tetanus vaccination, which should be administered approximately 30 days before her due date.

Additionally, it advises on the optimal timing for deworming, recommending a safe macrocyclic lactone dewormer. This tool ensures you're well-prepared for your mare's foaling and her overall well-being.

Date Mare Was Bred
Estimated Gestation Period (avg. = 340 days)
If you know the previous gestation length for your mare then please adjust accordingly.
Your pregnant mare should be vaccinated for tetanus (eg. Equivac T) approximately 30 days prior to her due date.
Your pregnant mare should be dewormed with a macrocyclic lactone dewormer which is safe for use in pregnant mares (eg.Equimax).
Foaling Calculator Equus Vets Australia
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